There men's Gaelic Football Club won the Two Day Event Award fortheir running of the Sigerson Cup.
Queen's Seidokan Karate Club also picked up an award for the OneDay Event for the inter-varsities.
The awards took into consideration the amount of organisation ofthe events and the delivering of inter-collegiate programmes bystudent sports clubs across Ireland.
Cathy Gallagher, who is the Devolpment Manager of Queen's StudentSport said, 'Organising club sport at university provides studentswith invaluable personal skills which can be used for future careersor sporting goals.
Last year our university hosted a total of 10 inter- collegiateevents. We were represented in all three categories and aredelighted to have won two of the titles.'
This year's Sigerson Cup took place from March 1-3 and ruing thetwo days, Queen's also hosted the finals of the Trench Cup, the Cornna Mac Leinn and the Further Educations College Championships. Fiftyseven teams took part in the competions throughout the year.
This year the Queen's Men's Gaelic Football Football Club iscelebrating its 75th anniversary.
The chairperson, Miceal Finnegan said, 'When the University wasawarded the hosting rights for the Sigerson Cup, we put in placestructures and systems deliver the best event yet.
'We not only involved students from our own club, we also broughtin a group of committed and enthusiastic volunteers from other clubsaround Queen's.
'It was very much a student-led event and it showed everythingthat is great about sport at university level.
'I'm delighted that our hard work has been recognised with thisaward.'
Matthew Leebody from the Organising Committee of Queen's SeidokanKarate Club welcomed their achievement saying, 'Queen's have set newstandards for the karate Inter-Collegiate events in terms ofparticipation and delivery. It was challenging at times to balancethe organisational issues with our own preparation for participatingin the competion, but this is what is unique about student sport.'
The Seidokan Karate Club at Queen's hosted 15 colleges anduniversities at the event and had the highest ever participationlevels in the competitions.
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