воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Open season on brand that turns out the Tiger ; We're nice, really, says Nike, as critics accuse the world's best- known sports logo of getting too big for its trainers - The Independent (London, England)

When Tiger Woods strides out to the tee today, one thing isguaranteed to grab viewers' attention as surely as his unrivalledprowess with a club. As spectators jostle for position, the world'sgreatest golfer will be transformed into a walking advertisement forone of the biggest brands of our time.

Though not an official sponsor of the Open Championship, Nike'strademark logo will have more impact than any other around the RoyalLytham and St Anne's course. All eyes will be on the 11 world-classplayers with Nike 'ticks' on their caps, gloves, shoes and golfballs. As any good marketing consultant will tell you, a fewseconds' global TV exposure is worth more than any poster campaign.

To Nike's critics, its infiltration of professional golf merelyrepresents the latest stage in an ongoing quest for global conquest.For nearly half a century, the company named after the Greek goddessof victory has forged a worldwide empire by capitalising on oursimple desire to emulate our heroes. Now, with a pounds 7bn annualturnover, it is the world's leading sportswear manufacturer and oneof the defining corporate icons of all time.

Aside from the Open, the Nike colours are flying proudly over twoother major sporting events today. In London, top athletes weresporting the company logo in the Crystal Palace Grand Prix.Meanwhile, there was the chance to join the capital's annual Nike10k Race. Each of the 10,000 participants will be asked to wearpersonally numbered, and branded, Nike T-shirts.

In an effort to quell the fears of those who believe they arebecoming too big for their boots, Nike strategists recently decidedto prove to people how 'nice' they are. Stung by accusations thatits trainers are churned out of Third World 'sweatshops', thecompany installed a webcam in a Vietnamese contract factory andhired independent consultants to confirm its practices are humane.

It also recently launched a Nike FC football training programmefor schoolboys, and is working on a similar initiative for girls.And its latest trick is to recast itself as a patron of the arts. Ithas just launched a competition for budding film-makers, and, nextmonth, London's Design Museum will host an exhibition tracing thehistory of its products.

While critics might view its apparent change of tack withscepticism, company publicists portray it as a philanthropic act.'Sometimes there's talk of world domination and that simply isn'ttrue,' said one. 'If you met us you would find that virtuallyeveryone in the company is sports- mad.'

He denied that recent initiatives such as Nike FC and Nike Girlsin Sport were intended to 'indoctrinate' children by rearing them onthe company's products. 'Of course we want kids to appreciate us asa brand, but it would be very cynical to suggest that these schemesare largely just marketing activities.'

Kevin Roberts, editorial director of the SportBusiness group, haswatched Nike's recent evolution with interest. 'There was a generalsoftening of Nike's stance in the market last year,' he said. 'It isa fairly obvious strategy by Nike to be the good guys and fill thevacuum left by inefficient funding for schools.'

When sponsoring professional sports, Nike tends to target wholeteams, rather than individual stars. Among the Premiership footballsides wearing its kit are Arsenal, Sunderland, Leeds and, from nextseason, Manchester United.

Even where existing deals preclude Nike from being a team's'official' sponsor, it uses ingenious tactics to sneak its logo onto individual members. While the British athletics team is backed byarch-rival Adidas, Nike has still been allowed to secure footweardeals. And when UK athletes compete alone rather than as part oftheir national teams, they are permitted to wear Nike clothing fromhead to toe.

A tale of two golfers

Pampered by the Team Tiger


Tiger Woods

Age: 25

World ranking: 1

Competition winnings to date: Approaching pounds 20m, includingover $1m from the Players Championship in March, and a similar sumat The Masters in April.

Contract with Nike worth pounds 13m a year. Agreement worthpounds 3.7m a year with Buick to carry their bag. Further deals withDisney, American Express and Rolex.

Woods travels with Team Tiger - a dozen people ready to cater tohis every need. Includes his parents, coach, caddie, manager and aNike representative.

Thanks, brother, for the sponsorship

Simon Vale

Age: 31

World ranking: Near bottom of Rank 11 on the European ChallengeTour

Competition winnings to date: Approximately pounds 20,000 intotal during his career.

Mainly from his brother, Richard, who runs JFG Consultants, an ITcompany. Picks up limited free golf equipment from PING, Srixon andTaylorMade.

Drives himself to tournaments in the family car, and usuallytravels alone to save costs. Also forced to work during the winterbuilding exhibition stands.

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