суббота, 15 сентября 2012 г.

Spring sports pick up this week in St. Joseph - St. Joseph News-Press

Some random thoughts on the sports world -

We're about to enter a week filled with sporting events that evena few years ago seemed almost impossible.

In three days, local events have significance that didn't exist ordidn't have a remote chance a few years ago.

On Tuesday, we enter the second year with an all-inclusive CityTrack Meet. For years, at least since the City League dismembered in1987, the City Track Meet consisted of public schools Central,Lafayette and Benton. Last year, St. Joseph School District officialsmade peace with their Bishop LeBlond brethren, and the schools wereallowed to compete against one another in all sports. So the trackmeet expanded to include LeBlond as well as St. Joseph Christian.

When I arrived here five years ago, there was a Cold War betweenthe public and private entities. An invisible Berlin Wall seemed totower in front of LeBlond on Frederick Street and kept the schoolsfrom playing in almost every sport.

Now, the old feud has become almost footnote on the local sportsscene.

That brings us to Thursday. Missouri Western, now the MIAA's onlyunbeaten squad, hosts Emporia State in a doubleheader that likelywill determine the league champion. The Griffons are 4-0 in leagueplay and rank second in the region behind Emporia State, which has a9-1 league mark. Before last season, the Griffons hadn't had awinning season since 1997, including a last-place finish in 2001. Thefun starts at 4 p.m. at Missouri Western.

On Friday, Central and Bishop LeBlond face off at 5 p.m. at PhilWelch. In 2002, the first time the teams faced each other since 1987,I remember more than 1,000 people crammed into the newly christenedBartlett Park. Central's supporters were loud and vocal. Among themwas current Northwest Missouri State defensive back Brandon Pratt,who told me there was no honor in losing to LeBlond, unlike Benton orLafayette. Well, his friends didn't let him down that night, but thisrivalry has become a fun one. And it's pretty spirited, too.

The city rivalries have added to the intrigue of sports in thiscommunity. Within a few years, all will be forgotten that LeBlond'sboys basketball team had to play Adrian, and Benton had to playWarrensburg - instead of each other - because of a silly spat. Let'shope we can all play together.


n How many of you have to go to the eye doctor after watchingRoyals games on RSTN this week? Trying to read the score shouldn'tcause massive eye strain.

n Well, Roy Williams finally won that elusive title. Missourimight have actually won a national title a few years ago hadofficials given Arthur Johnson the kind of leeway that Sean Mayreceived. No disrespect to the zebras but I always thought if youinitiated the contact and your opponent was set, you were usually hitfor the foul. But it's an ACC world we live in, and everybody wantedour little Roy toy to win. I wonder if he gives a (blank) about NorthCarolina now.

n This isn't exactly sports related, but wouldn't Survivor be alot better on Mount McKinley in Alaska or the Northwest Territories?Let's see how the cast attacks polar bears and builds igloos.

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