понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Sports / SBEC picks new coach - The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Southern Baptist Educational Center looked inside its existingcoaching ranks and chose Brad Kimberlin as its new head varsityfootball coach.

In commenting on the new position, Kimberlin said 'I am honoredand pleased with the confidence shown in me by the administration.Coming off of a 6-6 record and a second-round playoff game this pastseason, I have high expectations for the Trojan football team.'

Kimberlin has coached several sports at SBEC over a total of 11years. In basketball, his junior high boys team won the North MPSAJunior High Championship. For the varsity football program, he hasserved as offensive coordinator, defensive coordinator and positioncoach. In 2006, he was named athletic director for the school. Byoverseeing the entire sports program at the school, Kimberlin wasable to see his goal fulfilled for boys and girls at SBEC.

Kimberlin said, 'My passion has always been to coach and use theavenue of sports to impact young men and women for Christ.'

Kimberlin is a 1985 graduate of Briarcrest Christian School inMemphis. After playing football at the University of North Alabamain Florence, Ala., for two years, he transferred to Crichton Collegein Memphis in 1987, where he played basketball and graduated in 1990with a Bible and theology degree and an emphasis in churchministries.

David Manley, president of SBEC said, 'Over the past severalyears, our football program at SBEC has enjoyed consistency and hasdeveloped a good tradition. As we evaluated our current situation,we determined that we needed someone who could continue to buildupon the foundation that has been established. Coach Kimberlin hasdemonstrated a commitment to SBEC athletics and provides thecontinuity and consistency for our student-athletes. We are pleasedthat he will be leading our program and are equally pleased with theoutstanding staff that is being assembled.'

George Carnall is the director of Development for SouthernBaptist Educational Center in Southaven.

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